Know someone who deserves special recognition for his or her commitment to the counseling profession? Nominate an Outstanding Counseling Professional for the ACA 2016 National Awards!
ACA member Ryan Thomas Neace spoke with EmpowHER about rebuilding marriages after the Ashley Madison hack.
Dr. Jeremy Richman and Silken Laumann have been selected as keynote speakers for the ACA-CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo in Montreal (March 31 - April 3).
In ACA President-Elect Catherine Roland?s monthly blog on Psychology Today, she discusses how to identify next steps in life.
Yesterday, members of ACA staff attended a rally and march in Washington, D.C. to demand dignity for those living with mental illness, and spread the word that Counselors Care!
This week, Illinois House Bill (HB) 217, a bill prohibiting the practice of so-called ?conversion therapy,? was signed into law by Govern Rauner.
The body-positive movement is teaching people to embrace their body types without hesitation. ACA member Dr. Chris Leeth spoke with Healthline about the value of this movement.
ACA member Dee Ray spoke with the Deseret News about the consequences of over-scheduling kids.
Representatives from ACA will be attending Destination Dignity: Mental Health for All March on Monday, August 24, 2015.
In her August column for Psychology Today, ACA President Dr. Thelma Duffey shares tips for using social media during challenging times.
Each year, ACA Branch and Division leaders head to Washington, DC to attend ACA's Institute for Leadership Training. Participants attend education sessions, network with peers, and lobby for critical counseling topics on Capitol Hill. This year's ...
The American Counseling Association (ACA) has earned a 2015 ASAE Power of A Silver Award for its efforts during Counseling Awareness Month 2014 to fight the stigma associated with seeking help.
ACA?s newest set of counselor competencies provides a resource for working with multiracial individuals and families ? a population that is growing three times as fast as America?s population as a whole.
ACA member Dr. Shannon Karl recently discussed the effects of domestic violence with Viewpoints Radio.
Congratulations to the recipients of ACA's 2015-2016 Scholars-in-Residence program: Chris Leeth, M.A., Ph.D., LPC and Abigail Wengerd.
ACA will be on Capitol Hill next week, advocating for the counseling profession on behalf of more than 56,000 members. Add your voice via social media!
PAACE: Professional Application of the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics
ACA?s Director of Government Affairs, Art Terrazas, spoke with KUNM about ways the unspent state funding in New Mexico could be used to help people with disabilities across the state.
ACA member Krystal Vaughn shared tips on how to pick a preschool with Pittsburgh Parent magazine this month.
In last week's landmark victory, a state jury in New Jersey found that a ?conversion therapy? program offering services it claimed could change clients from gay to straight was fraudulent and unconscionable.