ACA?s Chief Professional Officer, David Kaplan, spoke to News Channel 8?s Let?s Talk Live! team about the ongoing public debate surrounding free-range parenting.
Dr. Catherine B. Roland will begin her term as ACA President-elect on July 1, 2015 and will assume the presidency on July 1, 2016.
ACA member, Dr. John Sommers-Flanagan, spoke to Carolina Parent Magazine about self-control strategies for kids that parents can implement to foster healthy growth.
Dr. Gerald Opthof, ACA member, spoke to Fact Based Health Journal about using cognitive behavioral therapy to manage addictions.
ACA member John Sommers-Flanagan spoke with ParentMap about ways to maintain social interaction during the early days of parenthood.
ACA members Laura Jones and Lori Russell-Chapin spoke with Fact Based Health Journal about using neurocounseling in clinical practice.
Susan Fee, ACA member, spoke to ParentingPA about friendship conflict, relational aggression, and more.
Brad Erford, ACA member and past-president, spoke with Al Jazeera America about the impacts that budget cuts are having on counseling services and school violence initiatives across the country.
Each year, the American Counseling Association recognizes and celebrates the achievements of counseling professionals who have distinguished themselves professionally, as well as through service to others.
In her monthly Psychology Today column, ACA President-Elect Thelma Duffey explores living through adversity with self-compassion.
Relationships are the heart of counseling. No matter how the profession grows and changes, relationships will remain central to the good that counselors do in their clients? lives. And counselors should never lose sight of that fact, say Jeffrey ...
Earn an ACA certificate as you learn to present on the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics.
The 2015 ACA Foundation Graduate Student Essay competitions have come to a close and the 22 winning essayists are identified below.
ACA member and author, Brian Van Brunt, spoke with Your Teen Magazine about how parents can talk to their kids about defending themselves in dangerous situations.
In response to a recent column titled, ?Dear Abby: Reader hopes to find low-cost counseling," ACA drafted and submitted an official letter on behalf of its 55,000 members.
Dr. Loretta Bradley, a member and past president of the American Counseling Association, spoke with Deseret News about the new stage of life known as retirement.
Dr. Elizabeth Prosek, a member of the American Counseling Association, recently published an article in Fact Based Health Journal about coping and treatment options for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia.
As we begin yet another year, take a few moments to see what your ACA membership provided in 2014.
A Spanish version of the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics is now available for download.
ACAeNews is a bimonthly electronic newsletter for members. It's a great way to stay current with the latest mental health headlines, counseling resources and events, and professional news/updates.