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A Home for Counseling Research

The Journal of Counseling & Development is ACA's flagship journal and publishes practice, theory and research articles across 18 different specialty areas and work settings. Access is available through the Wiley Online Library to ACA members and subscribers.

For full access to this journal, you must be logged in and an authenticated member.


The Journal of Counseling & Development publishes practice, theory and research articles across 18 different specialty areas and work settings. Sections include research, assessment and diagnosis, theory and practice, and trends.


Matthew Lemberger-Truelove
Matthew Lemberger-Truelove, PhD 
Department of Counseling and Higher Education 
University of North Texas 
Term: July 2022 – June 2025 

The full editorial board roster is available on the Wiley site.


The journal publishes articles that inform counseling practice with diverse client populations in a variety of settings as represented by ACA members. Additional information about submissions can be found here. Submissions must be made through Wiley’s ScholarOne manuscript portal for the journal. 

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