
What is the Counseling Compact?

Since 2019, ACA has been working with the National Center for Interstate Compacts to create and operationalize a compact for counselors — and now the Counseling Compact is operational. The Compact will change the way counselors practice by reducing barriers to interstate care, hopefully,

  • Improving continuity of care
  • Increasing accessibility for underserved communities
  • Providing military families with more flexibility 

Latest State Map Updates

Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia have now passed the Compact legislation! The Counseling Compact Commission hopes to start granting privileges to practice in other Compact states by the fall 2025. Click on the states below to see pending or passed legislation.

Things to Know

The Counseling Compact is a legislative agreement among participating states which allows counselors to practice across state lines either in person or via telehealth. It is a mutual recognition model, which means that every participating state agrees to recognize the license of all eligible counselors from every other member state and allow them a privilege to practice in that state. Everything is tied to the counselor’s home state and they must have a valid, unencumbered license from the state where they legally reside.

The Compact allows counselors licensed to practice independently to be granted a privilege, comparable to a license, to practice in another Compact state, to use telehealth in their practice, to practice on a home state license in any Compact state if a military spouse, and to utilize an expedited process to obtain a new home license when they move to another state. To be eligible, counselors must hold an unencumbered license from their home state; be able to practice independently and to assess, diagnose and treat behavioral health conditions; and pass an FBI background check. The Compact applies only to counselors licensed as LPCs, or whatever designation the state uses. MFTs, Art/Music/Dance therapists and other mental health professionals with other licenses are not eligible to participate. Psychologists and Social workers have their own compacts
States are eligible to join the Compact if their requirements for licensure include requiring a 60-hour degree in counseling or 60 hours in designated graduate coursework, requiring post-degree supervised experience, and passing a nationally recognized examination. Further, the state’s regulation must include diagnostic authority. The Compact does not change initial licensure requirements for states; states continue to set the standards for licensing in their state. However, only states that meet the criteria can participate in the Compact. LPCs or the equivalent licensed in those states that enact the Compact can access a privilege to practice.

The Commission consists of a representatives from each of the Compact member states. Each licensing board appoints one current member of their board to serve as a commissioner. The full Commissioner meets at least twice a year to address the business of the Compact. There are currently four subcommittees: the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, the Rules Committee and the Compliance Committee. A Nominations and Elections subcommittee will be empaneled soon. A representative from ACA, AASCB, NBCC and AMHCA serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

The Commissioners have promulgated rules to operationalize the Compact, developed the budget, hired a vendor to develop the database, and other actions such as designating the required national counseling exam. The Commission cannot go beyond the requirements of the Compact legislation but can provide details and clarity about the regulations. Counselors are welcome to attend Commission meetings or review past meeting minutes at CounselingCompact.Gov.

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