Having counselors sign noncompete agreements limits economic opportunities, job mobility and access to mental health services.
The editors of Neuroscience Informed Counseling discuss what it means to be a neuroscience-informed counselor.
ACA CEO Shawn Boynes, FASAE, CAE, and other mental health leaders testified before Congress on the need for innovative solutions, better representation and pay, and collaboration to improve the mental well-being of Black men and boys
The authors of the DSM-5-TR Learning Companion for Counselors discuss how their book can help counselors better understand and implement recent changes to the DSM in their clinical practice.
Three mental health leaders reminded ACA Conference attendees of the power of collaboration and their role in it.
Nelson Maldonado-Torres, PhD, challenged ACA conference attendees to reflect on how counseling can empower people to think critically about themselves and others.
Using mindfulness, along with cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, can help clients with obsessive-compulsive disorder manage their compulsive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
“How could you have been so stupid?” was what my clinical supervisor asked me early in my career as a counselor. This was after I questioned the fit of a model of treatment for a particular family and contacted our consultant with my concerns.
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