Learn how counselors can navigate significant challenges due to growing differences in social and environmental justice values.
Climate change is bringing increased frequency, intensity and duration of natural disasters, shorter time periods for post-disaster recovery before a new threat emerges, and increased concern for our future well-being.
Even before Courtland C. Lee, PhD, and S. Kent Butler, PhD, LPC, embarked on a career in counseling, they were both dedicated to giving back to the Black community and lending a hand to uplift Black men.
As youth suicide rates continue to increase, more school counselors need to be prepared for suicide postvention.
Counselors discuss the safety and ethics of having a firearm in session.
Five strategies counselors can use to help clients with disabilities overcome employment challenges and improve workplace wellness.
Learn how to identify your ideal client and then develop a marketing plan that attracts them.
Discover how to build a sustainable and profitable practice by diversifying your income and incorporating strategies that prevent therapist fatigue.
Artificial intelligence is here to stay, but issues around regulation and ethical use of it remain unclear.
Because sexuality is a central part of the human experience, counselors need to be trained and prepared to broach the topic in session.
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