We still don’t know the long-term effects of living with long COVID, but counselors can help people learn to manage the emotional toll that comes with living with this chronic condition.
There’s still time to register for on-demand content from the 2023 ACAPPS, which covered pressing issues such as artificial intelligence, counselor identity and practice, and clinical supervision.
For five years, Gregory Moffatt has shared his clinical experiences with our readers, and in this farewell column, he reflects on his own career experiences and how he has always welcomed and embraced new opportunities.
Starting a new career in counseling later in life taught one new counseling professional a few important lessons.
Because sexuality is a central part of the human experience, counselors need to be trained and prepared to broach the topic in session.
The third edition of A Contemporary Approach to Substance Use Disorders and Addiction Counseling includes new sections on harm reduction strategies, medication-assisted therapy and the use of telebehavioral health therapy in treatment.
Two clinical supervisors share their advice on how to create successful consultation groups, which reduce isolation, provide clinical support, foster professional growth and improve client outcomes.
Loneliness is a growing public health concern, but counselors can help clients examine the underlying cause of this feeling and learn to rebuild their connections to others.
Networked coalitions offer a pathway to transcend divisions, promote inclusivity and contribute positively to the well-being of individuals and communities.
A trauma-informed approach benefits both counselors and clients, yet more work needs to be done to ensure these principles are adopted across health care systems.
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