If clients want to return to counseling, or to transition from a therapeutic relationship to a friendship, the right and responsibility to renew or reinvent the relationship should be theirs alone.
The day I failed the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE) was the best day of my life.
They come by air, land and sea. In airplanes, on overcrowded boats, aboard shipping vessels, by train or even on foot. They are immigrants and refugees looking for the same things as previous generations of people who willingly came to the United States
I compiled a list of the top 10 things I wish I had learned in graduate school that would have ensured I had a wildly fun, rewarding and successful first year.
The continuum of self theory attempts to identify and quantify complex human relational behavior, offering possible insights into why people remain in bad relationships despite feeling lonely, frustrated and resentful.
The responsibility of providing documentation that would allow individuals to have an emotional support animal live with them should not be taken lightly.
As a counselor, which of the following elements are absolutely essential for you to do your job well?
What is the connection between ADHD and these other deficits?
The holidays are supposed to be the “most wonderful time of the year,” right? For many people though, the holidays invite the opposite: dread, deep sadness or a resurgence of anxiety, grief or other mental health issues.
When young children, ages 2 to 9, are experiencing emotional and behavioral problems, the usefulness of talk therapy is limited because they often cannot communicate effectively using words.
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