Although infertility is fairly common, the losses associated with it are less likely to be recognized, acknowledged, validated and supported, which often leaves women and couples to navigate the experience on their own.
Professional counselors possess the skills to mold groups that offer caregivers a safe place to voice their strong feelings and stressful experiences while receiving authentic empathic understanding in return.
With their emphasis on human development, prevention, ecosystems and wellness, counselors are well-positioned to address the unique service needs of the pediatric population.
One particularly damaging result of incest is trauma bonding, in which survivors incorporate the aberrant views of their abusers about the incestuous relationship.
If clients want to return to counseling, or to transition from a therapeutic relationship to a friendship, the right and responsibility to renew or reinvent the relationship should be theirs alone.
When young children, ages 2 to 9, are experiencing emotional and behavioral problems, the usefulness of talk therapy is limited because they often cannot communicate effectively using words.
Counselors-in-training are often encouraged to be aware of and discuss issues that they think would be difficult for them to address with clients in counseling.
An integration of cognitive, existential, psychodynamic and systemic perspectives, Adlerian counseling theory is a holistic, phenomenological, socially oriented and teleological (goal-directed) approach to understanding and working with people.
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