More than 3,000 counseling professionals participated in the 2007 ACA Annual Convention & Exposition in Detroit, which ended March 25. Thanks go out to the many Michigan counselors who helped to make the event a rewarding professional experience.
ACA will be mentioned on the Rachel Ray Show on Monday, April 2; the association is sponsoring counseling provided by one of our members for a guest on the show.
Young people today face innumerable challenges, possibly more than any generation before them. The world in which our kids grow and develop has been made fragile by threats both near and far.
The complete set of results for the most recent association, division, and regional elections. Specific information for each respective division and region was provided to the designated official of those entities via phone calls and e-mail of that ...
2008 Conference Education Sessions | Dates: March 28-30, 2008
The American Counseling Association is pleased to announce that Dr. Colleen Logan has been elected to serve as ACA's 57th president.
The countdown has begun! Our bags are packed...and so are our books (and films!) for the ACA Convention Bookstore. We want to make sure that you know about several events going on in the ACA Bookstore and in the COBO Exhibit Hall.
Topics for the 2007 American Counseling Association Foundation's Graduate Student Essay Contest have just been announced by ACAF Chair Jane Goodman.
Be sure to attend one of the most popular events at the ACA Convention-the ACA Author Book Signings! Participants will have the opportunity to converse with some of the most influential and distinguished counselors in the field while they sign their ...
Subscribe to the COUNSGRADS and/or Diversegrad-L listservs.
Please be advised that we will be working on the first component to an upgrade of our phone system after 7:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16th.
Each year, members of the American Counseling Association have the opportunity to participate in the work of the association by voting in the annual election of officers.
Diane Estrada, PhD, an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado was the 1,000th person to register for the 2007 ACA Annual Convention & Exposition in Detroit, March 21-25.
2007 ACA Convention Planning Calendar: Your Day by Day Planner (Tentative schedule, subject to change)
Linda Ellerbee is an outspoken journalist, award-winning television producer, best-selling author, a breast cancer survivor, a mom, a grandmother and one of the most sought-after speakers in America. She is now set to Keynote at the ACA Annual ...
Consultant and Author Ken Tucker is signed on to Keynote at the ACA Annual Convention in Detroit.
This article, which appeared in at least 27 publications recently covers the issue of mental health problems in returning war veterans, the insufficient number of counseling professionals available, and the lack of adequate government funding. ACA ...
The New ACA Code of Ethics: What Practitioners, Instructors, and Supervisors Need To Know By David Kaplan, PhD - 6 CE Credit Hours
In concert with Counseling Today's November 2006 focus on our graduate students, we offer these words of wisdom, which were originally published in the Sept. 2005 issue of CT.