Emma Schmidt, ACA member, spoke with Business News Daily about how a social media addiction can be detrimental to a person?s everyday life and relationships.
ACA member Christine Murray spoke with the Baltimore Sun regarding the domestic violence situation involving former Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice and his wife, Janay.
Know someone who is truly making a difference in the world of counseling? Take pride in your profession and nominate a peer today!
Richard Yep, CEO, and Dr. David Kaplan, Chief Professional Officer, are representing ACA at the 2014 65th Annual United Nations Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations.
Understanding the Ferguson, MO Crisis: A Counselor's Perspective
Dr. David Kaplan, ACA?s chief professional officer, spoke with The Huffington Post about how and why some people may be deeply affected by the death of a celebrity, as well as the impact of digital media.
Dr. David Kaplan, ACA?s chief professional officer, spoke with The Washington Post about the importance of creating an open dialogue about mental health.
In response to the tragic death of Robin Williams, Cirecie West-Olatunji, past president of the American Counseling Association, spoke to The Stir about how to identify signs of depression in a spouse.
ACA member Carol Hinman spoke with The Stir about when it is and isn?t okay for parents to treat their children differently.
Art Terrazas, ACA?s director of government affairs, spoke with MainStreet regarding the possibility of VA Hospitals facing privatization and FBI criminal investigations.
A number of mental health and workplace relationship experts, including ACA member Dr. Deborah Legge, recently shared insights regarding the top reasons jobs can be stressful.
ACA would like to thank Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE1) for co-sponsoring H.R. 3662 and fighting for professional counselors and mental health coverage of America's seniors!
Robert Turner, a licensed professional counselor and member of the American Counseling Association, recently spoke with EmpowHER, a leading health website for women, about the link between sleep deprivation and memory loss.
Many Licensed Professional Counselors will benefit under the Final Rule published by the Department of Defense (DoD) on July 17, 2014. The Final Rules apply to the TRICARE Certified Mental Health Counselors (TCMHC) category. Several provisions ...
Dr. David Kaplan, ACA's Chief Professional Officer, testified on Friday, June 27 before the DC Committee on Health.
ACA Past President, Colleen Logan, spoke with the Dallas Morning News about the reparative therapy platform that was adopted by Texas Republicans.
Art Terrazas, ACA's director of government affairs, wrote a powerful op-ed for Roll Call.
Art Terrazas, ACA?s director of government affairs, spoke with MintPress News about the reality of veterans facing delayed or denied care as a result of the dysfunctional Veterans Affairs health care system.
ACA would like to thank Anderson Cooper for acknowledging our documented opposition to reparative therapy.
Art Terrazas, ACA?s director of government affairs, recently spoke with The Daily Caller about the VA crisis.