Counselors are using happiness interventions to help clients redefine happiness and live a more fulfilling life.
Land acknowledgments are an opportunity to offer healing through honoring lived experiences, understanding the impact of colonization and balancing mourning with celebration of life.
Rick Balkin inspires and educates future and current counselors through his contributions on practicing forgiveness and working with teenagers in crisis.
Two counselors discuss how categories denoting experience level (such as the term “new professional”) affect one’s sense of professional identity.
Imposter syndrome can hold some counselors back, which is why it’s important to learn to recognize and manage it.
Discover how to build a sustainable and profitable practice by diversifying your income and incorporating strategies that prevent therapist fatigue.
We are often taught in society that we should fit in and avoid sticking out in any way. If we are different or break the accepted “cookie cutter” mold, then we face negative consequences of being shamed,
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