Climate change is bringing increased frequency, intensity and duration of natural disasters, shorter time periods for post-disaster recovery before a new threat emerges, and increased concern for our future well-being.
As we look to the future, I am hopeful that our collective altruism can transform our profession powerfully while retaining that quintessential element of counseling: human connection. Thank you for all you do and have a fantastic 2025!
There are not enough mental health providers to meet the current demand for care. 121 million people in the U.S. lived in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas and estimates that 6,000 additional mental health workers are needed.
Groundbreaking technology is improving access to mental health care and changing the way counselors work.
In this issue, Sabrina Rodriguez, LLC, counselor at Open Door Counseling Center, asks Nicole Kratimenos, EdD, LMHC, about incorporating holistic methods into practice.
Innovations in education can help attract and train a new generation of counselors.
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