Addressing the Mental Health of Children and Youth
The ACA president elaborates on her presidential initiative to improve the mental health of children and youth.
Counselors can help transracial and transnational adoptees heal the wounds from separation and being raised in an all-white world.
‘Child abuse in disguise’: The impact of parental alienation on families
Parental alienation can be hard to notice much less treat, but the long-term effects can be devastating for the children and targeted parent.
As increasing numbers of youth turn to self-injury, counselors can offer empathy while guiding young clients to better tolerate their emotions and find healthier ways to cope.
De-escalating conflict between parents and teens
Friction between parents and teenage children is an inevitable part of adolescent development, but often the parents need as much — if not more — work in counseling as the teen to build the skills needed to navigate conflict.
The emotional and social health needs of Gen Z
Uncertainty and stress have left Generation Z feeling anxious, depressed and isolated and in desperate need of skills that counseling can provide.
Internet gaming disorder: A real mental health issue on the rise in adolescents and young adults
Using games as a coping strategy for other underlying issues can lead to an addiction, as real life is replaced with a virtual and more favorable one.
By using practical, attachment-informed approaches, counselors can build effective therapeutic alliances with youth frequently dismissed as being ‘resistant.’
Interventions for attachment and traumatic stress issues in young children
With their emphasis on human development, prevention, ecosystems and wellness, counselors are well-positioned to address the unique service needs of the pediatric population.
The ‘storm and stress’ of adolescence and young adulthood
For much of human history, the idea of adolescence being a distinct life stage was nonexistent.
The therapy behind play therapy
Ashley Wroton, a licensed professional counselor (LPC), says parents of her young clients have told her that pediatricians sometimes make comments suggesting that they try “real” therapy with their child rather than play therapy.
Five strategies to develop mental health models in schools
There is a need to develop effective mental health models in schools because of the mental health challenges that affect students academically, socially & emotionally. Students will continue to be faced with these challenges but it is important to address
The counselor’s role in ensuring school safety
Samantha Haviland was a junior and a peer counselor at Columbine High School in April 1999 when two of her fellow students brought weapons to school, killing 12 students and one teacher before dying by suicide.
Addressing children’s curiosity of private parts
When caregivers observe or learn about their child’s play involving private parts and respond with alarm, sternness, isolation of the child or avoidance of the topic, the caregiver may inadvertently be shaming the child.
What is the connection between ADHD and these other deficits?
Involving parents in child-centered play therapy
When young children, ages 2 to 9, are experiencing emotional and behavioral problems, the usefulness of talk therapy is limited because they often cannot communicate effectively using words.
The school counselor’s external office
The school counselor’s external office delivers more service to students, more accessible, establishes a rapport with staff and conveys a sense of care and concern to students.
Play Therapy: Basics and Beyond, Third Edition
Tags: Children & Adolescents
Partners in Play, An Adlerian Approach, 3rd Edition
Tags: Children & Adolescents, Modalities, Professional Counseling
Solution-Focused Counseling in Schools 4E
Tags: Children & Adolescents, Counseling Specialties & Workplace Settings, Professional Counseling
Antiracist Counseling in Schools and Communities
Tags: BIPOC, Children & Adolescents, Cultural Identities, Multiculturalism & Diversity, Cultural Responsiveness, Social Justice, Special Considerations
Neuroscience-Informed Counseling With Children and Adolescents
Tags: Children & Adolescents, Special Considerations
Youth at Risk: A Prevention Resource, 7E
Tags: Children & Adolescents, Special Considerations
Counseling Newcomers and Refugees: Children and Adolescents
Human migration is permanent or semi-permanent movement from one geographical location to another...
Counseling Bereaved Children and Adolescents
According to the children’s bereavement estimation model (CBEM; Judi’s House/JAG Institute, 2018),...
Suicide Prevention With School Age Students
Suicide is a significant public health problem for school age children and adolescents. For youth...
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Treating Children
“There is no universal definition of child sexual abuse. However, a central characteristic of any...
“an important and effective intervention for supporting and strengthening families as they cope with...
School-Based Suicide Intervention with Children and Adolescents
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth 10–24 years of age. In 2014, suicide...
Bullying is a form of interpersonal violence that is a barrier to learning and can lead to long term...
Bullying is a form of interpersonal violence that impacts everyone involved including youth who...
Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is categorized as a Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorder in the...
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the American Psychiatric...
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