From free member resources to upcoming events and initiatives, discover opportunities to grow professionally.
Innovations in education can help attract and train a new generation of counselors.
Addressing the Mental Health of Children and Youth
The ACA president elaborates on her presidential initiative to improve the mental health of children and youth.
Counselors share how they have built fulfilling careers despite challenges.
6 Steps for Recent Graduates in Private Practice
Tips for how to smoothly transition from graduate school to private practice.
Advocacy Update: National strategy to address the mental health crisis
In February, President Biden delivered his annual State of the Union address, calling for bipartisan unity and emphasizing the need for Congress to work together on legislation to move America forward
Two counselors discuss how categories denoting experience level (such as the term “new professional”) affect one’s sense of professional identity.
Diversification and Burnout Prevention for Counselors
Discover how to build a sustainable and profitable practice by diversifying your income and incorporating strategies that prevent therapist fatigue.
An integral model for using empathy in counseling
Counselors understand the importance of empathy, but they sometimes find it challenging to fully integrate into practice.
3 Takeaways from the 2023 ACA Professional Practice Summit
There’s still time to register for on-demand content from the 2023 ACAPPS, which covered pressing issues such as artificial intelligence, counselor identity and practice, and clinical supervision.
The benefits of clinical consultation groups
Two clinical supervisors share their advice on how to create successful consultation groups, which reduce isolation, provide clinical support, foster professional growth and improve client outcomes.
From the President: Building new partnerships
The ACA president emphasizes the need to build mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations that promote mental health, and he provides an update on the Governing Council meeting happening this month.
From the President: Creating change through dialogue
The ACA President discusses how counselors can foster more open, honest dialogue with their clients and themselves.
Counseling Today recognized with five awards
The Counseling Today staff won five awards in APEX 2023, the 35th annual awards program recognizing excellence in publishing.
Edil Torres Rivera: Ready for action
Edil Torres Rivera, ACA’s 72nd president, shares how his Puerto Rican heritage and the women in his life have made him the counselor and scholar he is today.
From the President: Creating change within the profession
The 72nd president of the American Counseling Association introduces himself to members and outlines his initiatives for the year.
Voice of Experience: Professional organizations
It’s easy for counselors to become isolated unless they are intentional about joining professional organizations that meet their needs.
Advocacy Update: Collaborating for change
We have arrived at the time of year when most state sessions have ended. And what a year it has been! We have many hard-fought successes to celebrate, and we have somber news coming from legislatures as well.
Cognitive Behavior Therapies: A Guidebook for Practitioners
Tags: Modalities, Professional Development
Doing Counseling: Developing Your Clinical Skills and Style
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development
Counseling Research: A Practitioner-Scholar Approach 2nd Edition
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development
Critical Incidents in Counselor Education: Teaching, Supervision...and Advocacy
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development, Supervision
Counseling Leaders and Advocates: Strengthening the Future of the Profession
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development
Becoming a Counselor: The Light, the Bright, and the Serious, 3rd Edition
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development, Wellness & Self Care
Distance Counseling and Supervision: A Guide for Mental Health Clinicians
Tags: Counseling Specialties & Workplace Settings, Professional Counseling, Professional Development, Technology & Related Topics
Teaching and Learning in Counselor Education
Tags: Career Development, Licensure, Professional Counseling, Professional Development, Supervision
Personal Reflections on Counseling
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development, Wellness & Self Care
Surviving and Thriving in Your Counseling Program
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development
Counselor Education in the 21st Century: Issues and Experience
Tags: Career Development, Ethics, Legal, Healthcare Regulation & Compliance, Licensure, Professional Counseling, Professional Development
The Art of Integrative Counseling, 4th Edition
Tags: Professional Counseling, Professional Development
Choosing the Right Counselor for You
Tags: Professional Development
Teaching in Counselor Education: Engaging Students in Learning
Tags: Career Development, Professional Counseling, Professional Development, Supervision
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