Counseling Compact Update: Committee Hearings in New Mexico and Nevada

Mar 19, 2025

On February 26, the Nevada General Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor held a hearing on the Counseling Compact legislation. While there was no vote during this hearing, there was testimony in support of the Counseling Compact legislation from the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Nevada, the State of Nevada Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Professional Counselors, and the Department of Defense. There was no testimony in neutral or in opposition. The legislation is still in the Nevada General Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor.

On March 3, the New Mexico House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Counseling Compact legislation. AARP, NAMI Santa Fe and the Council of State Governments representatives testified to support the Counseling Compact legislation during the hearing. The legislation passed unanimously and was referred to the Senate. If the bill passes in the House and Senate, it will go into effect on June 20, 2025.