ACA Condemns Donald Trump's Remarks About Mexican Immigrants

Jul 2, 2015

Statement from Richard Yep, CEO of the American Counseling Association

“It is extremely unfortunate that a public figure, who has the ability to reach countless people with his thoughts and opinions, would express such ignorant, hateful views. ACA and its 56,000 members have worked very hard to instill the values of inclusion and equality within our society over the years. In fact, one of our divisions, the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD), is charged with the responsibility of defending human and civil rights and encouraging societal understanding of cultural diversity. According to our Code of Ethics: ‘Counselors do not condone or engage in discrimination against prospective or current clients.’ Therefore, we cannot stand by and allow one man to attempt to undo the great work that counselors and other caring professionals have done to build and nurture a strong foundation of tolerance and respect in this country.”