ACA Files Friend-Of-The-Court Brief in Ward v. Wilbanks et al. Appeal

Feb 15, 2011

ACA has filed an amicus (friend-of-the-court) brief with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Ward v. Wilbanks et al. The case involves Julea Ward, a former student at Eastern Michigan University, who refused to counsel a gay practicum client. After remediation efforts failed, Ms. Ward was dismissed from the counseling program. She then sued the EMU counseling program faculty and the University claiming that her first amendment right to practice her religion were being infringed upon.

The case was decided in July, with the Judge ruling in favor of EMU. ACA provided expert testimony in the case and the ACA report was quoted by Judge Steeh in his summary judgment.

Ms. Ward has now filed an appeal in the sixth circuit court and ACA has filed an amicus brief supporting the original ruling and the denial of the motion to appeal. The complete 23 page ACA amicus brief is available here.