Update Regarding Red Cross Efforts

Oct 1, 2008

Those living in the Gulf Coast states continue to be in our thoughts as they recover from Hurricane Ike.  The past month has not been kind to the region as it has faced the destructive forces of Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna, and Ike.  In each case, ACA Red Cross disaster mental health volunteers have responded to assist individuals and families with the trauma that accompanies a disaster.  The Red Cross has reported that 39,056 mental health contacts have been made by disaster mental health workers over the past month, and this number will increase as the Red Cross anticipates that shelters in Texas set up for Hurricane Ike will be open for at least the next three weeks.

ACA thanks all of its members who have taken the time to become Red Cross disaster mental health volunteers and become part of the team that has provided the almost 40,000 mental health contacts to individuals and families recovering from the three Hurricanes. 

Training to become certified as a Red Cross disaster mental health volunteer is available at the ACA conference in Charlotte this coming March.  Please contact Debbie Beales at dbeales@counseling.org for more information.