Report from the Dedication of the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial

Sep 11, 2008

ACA accepted an invitation to attend the September 11, 2008 dedication of the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial and was represented by Chief Professional Officer David Kaplan. The ceremony included remarks from President Bush and Secretary of Defense Gates. Each of the 184 individuals killed when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon had their names read aloud, followed by the sounding of a bell.

The memorial includes a bench and reflecting pool for each person killed. The names on the benches are placed so that those of the plane passengers face the open sky and those who were inside the building are facing the Pentagon.

The program and other materials from the ceremony have been placed in the ACA display case and members are welcome to visit ACA headquarters to view them. Members visiting ACA can also watch the commemorative DVD given to attendees titled "A Nation Remembers: The Story of the Pentagon Memorial."