Desk Copies are available to instructors for classroom use provided:

  • The book requested has been adopted.
  • Ten or more copies will be ordered from a bookstore for student purchase.
  • The instructor has not previously received a copy.

If you meet these requirements, you may request a Desk Copy by submitting this online form. You must fill out the form completely in order to have your request considered. To request multiple titles, you must submit multiple forms.

If a course has multiple instructors, each instructor must submit their own request. Only one copy per request will be sent.

Please feel free to include additional comments or questions in the ‘Further Information’ field of the online form. Requests will be evaluated within three business days and if approved fulfilled within one week.

Instructor Information

Please list the email address issued to you by your employing institution and not a personal email address.

You much include the full street address for delivery. If providing your academic address, please include the university and department name.

Have you previously requested a complimentary copy of this text?

Requested Text

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Institution and Course Information

Institution Type

We require an order of at least 10 copies for student purchase by a bookstore or other retailer.

Further Information