World Mental Health Day

Highlighting the importance of mental health awareness

While one in five people will experience mental illness over the course of their lifetimes, everyone will face challenges that can and will affect their mental health. Observed every year on October 10, World Mental Health Day seeks to raise awareness of mental health issues and highlights efforts to support mental health.

Acknowledging the state of one’s mental health issues is important, and so is being able to seek help when you’re struggling. ACA has provided sharable graphics and resources to support counselors around the world who play a crucial role for those struggling with their mental health.

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Five Strategies for Emotional Well-Being

Jan 27, 2021, 10:18 AM by Paul Krysiak
Now more than ever, it’s important to be vigilant about the state of our emotional wellbeing. Although it is often overlooked and unlike physical health can be sometimes easily ignored, emotional health is just as essential to our general health as mental health.

emotional wellbeing

Emotional well-being is defined as the emotional quality an individual experiences, which can be affected by diverse factors such as: demographics, socio-economic status, and situational factors.

Now more than ever, it’s important to be vigilant about the state of our emotional wellbeing. Although it is often overlooked and unlike physical health can be sometimes easily ignored, emotional health is just as essential to our general health as mental health. So, what exactly is emotional health, and just how is it different from mental health? Emotional health is best described as the ability individuals have to control and express their emotional reaction to situational and environmental experiences.

Mental health, while closely intertwined with emotional health, relates more to why and how your mind processes information. If mental health is a car, emotional health is the car’s shock absorption. Driving a brand new car with terrible shock absorption will make for a very uncomfortable ride, just like a junkyard car with brand new shocks is also no guarantee for an enjoyable journey. Both are vital to unlocking a better quality of life.

How does one embark on the journey towards solid emotional wellbeing? Unfortunately, it isn’t a simple process and like physical health, it is something that must be practiced and nourished on a daily basis.  Below are 5 strategies to get you on the way towards a path to improved emotional health.

Stay in the Now:

One of the most essential strategies towards a healthy emotional state is to stay in the now, and by “the now” we mean the right now. Staying in the immediate present is one of the most successful coping strategies for negative thoughts. Remind yourself to take a moment to breathe and repeat: “Right now, I am safe, I am alive, and I am well; the rest is out of my control.” The future is unpredictable, and the past is unchangeable, so if we can ground our thoughts and perspective we can help control our stress, anxiety, and depression levels.

Positive Affirmations:

Words can either inspire or destroy, and the most important words we say are the ones we day to ourselves. Positive affirmations are short statements or declarations that we can repeat daily to increase our self-esteem and keep negative and unhelpful thoughts at bay.

The power of affirmations comes from creating and reinforcing a positive mental space which results in a strong self-narrative that can combat negative self-talk.

The statements work like meditative mantras that, when repeated help re-center focus and calm the mind. The act of repetition either internally or out loud affects our mind, emotions, and body; taking a moment to focus on breathing and the words you’re repeating calms your sympathetic nervous system and allows you to respond rather than react to your immediate circumstance. This practice results in an emotional state that is better equipped to handle daily challenges as well as the unexpected.


We have all heard of the insurmountable benefits of exercising, just a short 30 min walk can do wonders for our physical health. Yet, exercise is also a powerful tool in maintaining a healthy emotional well-being. When we engage in moderate to intense physical activities several changes take place in our mental chemistry. For example, endorphins are released, these are tiny neurochemicals that the brain secretes to reduce pain and boost pleasure. Which accounts for that amazing high we feel after a good work out. Furthermore, exercising serves as a focus guide towards mindfulness.

The simple act of setting and accomplishing a physical goal shifts energy away from overwhelming thoughts and results in a more refreshed and energized emotional state. Exercise is also an excellent way of physically releasing stress and serves as a healthy reminder that you alone are in charge of your body.

Drink up That H20:

Have you heard the saying “Hydrate for mental health?”. Research shows that drinking water can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. Even slight dehydration takes its toll on our health: losing just 1% of body mass, which might occur as part of everyday living, can lead to a dip in mood and anxiety. To better combat the general emotional fatigue that often comes creeping in at the end of a taxing day, remind yourself to take a drink. It’s recommended that we drink a minimum of 2 liters of water a day. Consider purchasing a smart water bottle or making your own to serve as a fun reminder to stay hydrated.

Stick to a Daily Routine:

Lastly, the combination of the aforementioned strategies into our daily mix of activities is essential towards our goal of a healthier emotional state. By themselves, each one of these is helpful to ensuring a healthier, more stable emotional health. When combined, they set the stage for a wholesome and well-balanced emotional wellbeing. If it still feels overwhelming, start small. Set small, realistic and accomplishable goals for each tip into your daily routine and build on them each week.

Drinking 2 liters of water a day and setting a stringent exercise routine can seem daunting for day one of your emotional journey, so break it down into something that works for you. Set a goal of drinking 2 glasses of water and a brisk, heart rate increasing walk around the block. Adjusting your daily routine to include moments to remind yourself to pay attention to your emotional health will no doubt serve to make a better, healthier you.

When thought of singularly, completing each of these actions can seem daunting, yet if we incorporate them into a well-balanced daily routine accomplishing them will become easier to the point of effortless.