Asian woman sitting in front of a laptop

Innovate and Adapt: Responding to Findings from the ACA 2024 Counseling Workforce Survey

May 10, 2024 | 1–2:15 p.m. ET

In this town hall-style webinar, we'll explore the results of the ACA 2024 Counseling Workforce Survey and discuss how we can use this data to move the profession forward. Join us to hear from research firm, McKinley Advisors, along with ACA members and leaders who will address findings from this comprehensive study. 

Since the last ACA Counseling Workforce Study in 2014, professional counselors have seen the industry grow by about 36%; however, wages have not kept pace with this post-pandemic growth, and student loans are burdening those entering the field. In this town hall-style webinar, we'll explore the results of the ACA 2024 Counseling Workforce Survey and discuss how we can use this data to move the profession forward. Join us to hear from research firm, McKinley Advisors, along with ACA members and leaders who will address findings from this comprehensive study.

On-Demand Available




  • ACA Members – $0
  • Nonmembers – $10

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Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will understand key trends, challenges and areas of opportunity facing counselors and the larger profession.
  • Attendees will be able to identify ACA resources and initiatives that are helping to positively shape the future of the profession.
  • Attendees will understand the opportunities for future engagement with ACA to advance these efforts.